Changing Things Up – Some Questions for Discussion 10-25-16

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Hello everyone, I’m changing up this article to talk about a few things that might interest you.

The first thing is the use of Facebook by our club members and fellow disc golfers in and around Charlotte. We all post under the CDGC link and the Charlotte Area Disc Golf link. Does anyone else find this repetitive?

When I first moved down here from Michigan a few years ago now, Henry Childres told me that to fix that issue people needed to stop using both. So, my question to you is….Do you think its possible to eliminate using one of the links so that people don’t have to double post things? FYI the CDGC is the one for the club and the Charlotte Area it is not the club link. I mean when Jim Banbury posts his Thursday Sugaw update I get 3 notifications about the same thing. Leave a comment and let me know what you think…

The next question I have for you is about finding tournaments to play in. In Michigan we used to post all our tournaments throughout the state. Here in North Carolina we use DGU, PDGA, Discgolfscene, Facebook and the CDGC website. This to me can be very confusing.

I never know where to look for tournaments and I always have to end up checking all the sites to make sure I didn’t miss any. I know that almost everyone who runs tournaments in Carolina knows everyone else that runs tournaments in Carolina. My point is wouldn’t you like to see them all get on the same page and consolidate the websites so that we only have to look in one spot to find them?

OK, lets talk about improving our leagues. What would make our leagues better? What would draw more people to show up? I know a few of our leagues happen at the same time which makes it impossible to attend both.

Do you think we should move league times around so that everyone can go to them all? Is the price fair for all leagues? Would you like to see more plastic or more money as the prizes? If it is prizes do you prefer funny money or just pick from the prizes like at Sugaw Am League?

Also, I still need volunteers for the Club Championship on November 12th. So far I have none. I just need a few spotters, someone to possible cook food, and someone to help setup the extra holes with me. If you can help text me with your name and what you can help with. My number is 616-681-1000.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this and hopefully taking the time to respond via text or through the comment section at the bottom of this post.

Jeff White,

Disc frolfer, teacher, coach, and friend to all




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